Episode 66: Everything's Cancelled #DatRona

Cancelled! Cancelled! Cancelled!.png
Everything's Cancelled #DatRona
snobOS Podcast

Welcome to Episode 66 of the snobOS Podcast!

Intro: We talk pending announcements & Corona in Georgia.

The Lowdown: We talk Apple cancels March product event over #DatRona, Apple limits customers entering Apple Stores, iOS code confirms “cheaper iPhone”, Apple might let you “unsend” iMessages, Apple could be working on fitness app.

2nd String: We talk E3 cancelled and tech giants meets with White House over Coronavirus

For the Culture: We talk Everything’s cancelled. The Coronavirus running the world.

The Hookup: We talk how to Clean your Mac

  • Clear off Desktop

  • Clean out Downloads folder

  • Organize Documents folder

  • Organize Pictures and videos

  • Check out CleanMyMac for other files

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